Beauty Scorned
In the kingdom of Etheliri, a powerful race of female beings known as, the Nephilim have created a utopia for their people. The women of Etheliri possess great power in their blood. This power is known as the Seraphim’s light. The women who possess this unique power are often the targets of demons known as The Spawn. The leader of the spawn is known as the demon Melios. To combat this threat, the Queen, Elvadia of Etheliri, created the Tempest Guard. They are young female knights lead by the power of the Seraphim’s light. Rebrin, the commander of the Tempest Guard, must infiltrate the castle of the deranged demon, Melios to rescue the young maidens of the kingdom he has captured. Melios’s goal is to sacrifice the young girls to a greater demon to gain true immortality and ultimate power over the kingdom of Etheliri.
Status | Prototype |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | MichelleDTurner |
Genre | Adventure |
Made with | Twine |
Tags | Text based |